Compare And Contrast W. E. B. Dubois And Booker T Washington

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In the late 19th and 20th century, racism raged in the United States, black-and-white racial tensions became increasingly tense and the situation of the blacks worsened. W.E.B. du Bois and Booker T. Washington were two of very influential leader of the black community. However, they have different views on improving the social and economic status of African American. Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. du Bois essentially divide the black community into two categories, radical and conservative. W.E.B du Bois is a radical, propagating a strong political and civil rights agenda, through education to enhance African American. Booker T. Washington is a conservative, urging African American to accept their racial discrimination until they prove themselves through hard work and self-help.
Despite their great differences on some issues of principle, they share a common goal is make African American no longer subject to discrimination and humiliation, to enjoy the constitutional rights of …show more content…

Washington believes that white people in the economy, education and other aspects of advanced than blacks. Because they control the government and wealth. Blacks rely on whites to obtain the necessities of life and the funding of their education, black future equal rights also rely on the white gift and protection. Therefore, any effort to improve the situation in the southern blacks should be based on friendly and peaceful coexistence with southern whites. In The souls of black folks, W.E.B. Du Bois, like Booker T. Washington, believes that blacks should work with their white neighbors to create a "greater, more just and more perfect future". But he thought that the South of all classes on the black attitude is different: some fear, some hatred, and some want to use black people as labor, and some are willing to support the rise of blacks. So the southern white people should not be discriminated against flattering, should not be carried out without distinction to