
Compare And Contrast Wehenmayer And John Krakauer

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You are looking up at the top of the mountain that you have been climbing for weeks. Do you take the short dangerous route and expedite the time it takes to get to the top or the longer safe route and lengthen the time it takes to get to the top? Since Erik Weihenmayer and John Krakauer have both climbed burdensome mountains, they had to make decisions like these all the time. John Krakauer, who is the author of the memoir “The Devil’s Thumb”, successfully climbed Devil’s Thumb with no disabilities, but on the other hand, Erik Weihenmayer, who is the author of “Everest”, successfully climbed Mount Everest blind. Krakauer wrote his story more than a dozen years later and shared it with the reader by flashbacks and a more negative tone. Weihenmayer is taking you up the mountain with him, while putting off a more realistic and happy tone. Although Weihenmayer and Krakauer had very different experiences while climbing their …show more content…

Weihenmayer story, which is “Everest”, had a more uplifting tone and a more serious tone. For example throughout the whole story Weihenmayer stays in order from start to finish. Because he organized his memoir in chronological order and he chose a more serious tone it made the climbing of the enormous Mount Everest more suspenseful and more realistic. Conveying his memoir in a more realistic way expressed his purpose, which is to inspire people to pursue their dreams because it was like the reader was on the climb. Meaning the reader experienced his negative doubts, his uplifting comments, and his inspiring moments. This all ties into imbuing people with hope because he expresses everything with you. Meaning that you are going to have doubts, but you have to push through so you can pursue your dreams no a matter what disability. Because Weihenmayer climbed Everest blind he ingratiated many people, and his group could be considered a

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