
Compare And Contrast William Bradford And John Smith

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William Bradford and John Smith the power of literature The tales of two men who try and persuade and tell people about the new world. A piece of history that should be known. The author of the first story Willaiam Bradford is a informal writer about his adventures.While on the other hand the author for the second story john smith was a very plain writer. The time period was around early 1600’s. The story show you the first person view of Willaim Bradford and his hasling adventures. While john smith informally told you information about the new world. Both Bradford and Smith were really great writers for there time. Both authors had similarities and differences on the way they wrote and how they were trying to use it. William Bradford just wanted to make life better for this world,while john smith was trying to get more people to come to the new without telling them the risks of going. Both Willaim Bradford and John Smith were very similar, but wrote for very different reasons.”but that which was most sad and lamentable was that in two or three time half of their company died”(pg 18). William bradford was …show more content…

William bradford in the new world settled out justice for the people and disputes of all kinds. Bradford was to become a successful colonial govenor in the new world. William bradford showed justice to make good of the new world and settled out for a big journey. John smith organized the first successful english colony to be established in north america. Captain smith was a adventurous yet shrewd natural born leader. John smith also set out to accomplish things in north america and to make people come there. They both were accomplishing leaders and were the top people to impact north america. John smith and william bradford displayed a mixture of the commonplace.they both did big things in the

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