Compare And Contrast William Bradford And John Smith

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John Smith and William Bradford journeyed to uncharted lands with different intentions. Both men shared similar occurrences, but handled each situation with a different mean. Whether the intent was guided by hope of riches or religious freedom, the authors faced many hardships. The speech, objective, and mood deviate from and correspond to William and John’s accounts. William Bradford’s diction differed from Smith due to the theological beliefs that guided his writing. Bradford’s uncomplicated diction emphasizes the puritan plain style of writing in the 1700s with concise sentence and simple vocabulary, “Two of these seven were Mr. William Brewster, their reverend Elder, and Myles Standish, the captain and military commander, unto whom myself and many others were much beholden in our low and sick condition”. (Bradford )Smith’s contrasting diction expresses a sophisticated account with brash vocabulary, “Then finding the Captain, as is said, that used the savage that was his guide as his shield, all the rest would not come near him.” (Smith) The native were …show more content…

Smith wrote for an audience that would see his account and would want to fund him in the future. Opposite of that, Bradford wrote for the of giving a true account and showing the hardships of the pilgrim and how God was with them through everything. While Smith did go through hardships, in his writings, he always came out success with the help of other or by himself. The purpose of the two men were entirely different in the aspects that William aspired for a new life guided by his religion, while John hungered for the immense riches of the new territory. William Bradford left his home to find found a new establishment that accepted his separatist beliefs and honored God. The rumor of wealth and prosperity drew John Smith toward Jamestown. The desire for an establishing a new life in America was important to both