Compare And Contrast World War Two Technological Advancements

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World War One and World War were separated by twenty-two years which is a short period of time. During these twenty-two years massive technological advancements occurred as countries were fueled by militarism and wanted to be the strongest nation in the world. In World War One dropping bombs was unprecise, and the barely hit the mark, in World War Two however dropping bombs could be done more precisely. It is the same with communication and war crafts. The biggest difference between World War One and World War Two was the technological advancements in weaponry, communication, and aerial and naval war crafts. Weaponry is one of the biggest technological advancements that differentiates World War one and two. World War one was made up of unprecise …show more content…

This meant that you would have to be close for this gun to possibly hit the target. Another weapon used in World War One was poison gas, whether chlorine or mustard gas. This poison gas was first found useful in trench warfare but later became more and more ineffective as technology such as gas masks were introduced. In World War Two weaponry and artillery looked much different than they had looked in twenty two years earlier. The race to war had allowed countries to advance in their military artillery and it had become more precise, automated and deadly. The rifles in the 1940s could shoot effectively up to a range of nine-hundred and fifty feet. Snipers could work more effectively and could remain at a safe distance from their targets. Missiles and bombs also found their place in World War Two. Since World War two was heavily characterized by bomb raids from the sky, and the nuclear bombs on Japan. World War one had bombs from the sky but no radar to see where to drop them. World War One most certainly had no nuclear bombs. In World War two bombs were dropped effectively on Britain in the bombing of Britain Germans used the …show more content…

Since the first flight in 1903 by the Wright brothers, airplanes had not advanced much. During World War one the airplanes were new, slow, had no artillery, and could only fly for short periods of time. They were not seen as a big threat because bomb raids by these new planes were very unprecise. German U-boats also played a role in WWI although not much naval activity occurred in this time there were tensions between Germany and Great Britain. During the course of WWI half of the British merchant ships were sunk by German U-boats. In World War two it all changed. Airplanes were more advanced. They had been fitted with new technology called radar. Radar allowed British forces to see the position of oncoming German fighters and it dismissed the idea of stealth fighting. Planes were faster, stronger and more military equipped. They could fly longer, hold more people and bombs, and had protection (anti-aircraft guns). Many battles were fought in the war in World War two so the race to have the best aircraft had begun. Another playing field in World War two was the ocean. Battles between Germany and Britain, America and Japan and many other nations happened all because of advanced naval technology. Aircraft carriers, U-boats (submarines), and naval ships had advanced. German U-boats caused new tensions as they silently patrolled allied territory, aircraft carriers allowed for airplanes to load