Compare The Way We Lived 50 Years Ago

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As Americans, we are accustomed to having the freedom to live our lives the way we please. It’s difficult to imagine having rules, laws even, dictating every last detail of every day, but this is exactly how the Puritans lived. There is major contrast between the way that they lived, the way that we lived 50 years ago, and the way that we currently live. To find out more about this, I interviewed Judy, my grandmother, who is 63 years old and grew up in Pennsylvania. I learned so much about her experiences. Considering the original values that were brought here by the Puritans, it is surprising how things have changed. Society has progressed and become more accepting and educated about others’ situations over the years.
Since the time of the puritans, family structure has undergone major change. Puritans were expected to be married before living together. Marriage meant that the husband had more power in the family than the wife. The children were raised to be very obedient and raised in religion. “Up until about the 1980’s it still wasn’t socially acceptable to live together …show more content…

Work for the Puritans was essential for food supply, necessities such as water and shelter and things such as clothing or candles needed to be made by hand which took patience and effort. Entertainment was mostly writing or some games. When my grandmother was working, she was always accountable for her own hours and everyone had to have or develop a good work ethic to do this. Entertainment included television, radio, and some primitive computer technology along with board games. Many people in modern times do not have the work ethic to get a job, so when people do have a good amount of motivation or are diligent workers, they are very valuable employees. Entertainment is more accessible than ever with the invention of smartphones and many technological