
Comparing And Contrasting Wind Power In The US

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Comparing and Contrasting Wind Power in U.S and China

Renewable energy is very important thing in nowadays because what we use now is unclear energy that contamination the air and the humans breathe dirty air. Renewable energy produce clean energy that can’t contamination the air, so, in each country they should have one renewable source. There are many examples of renewable energy such as, Wind power and solar energy,....etc. The most important source is wind power. Many countries use wind energy as main source of energy. U.S and China are the best example for using wind power as main source. People in U.S utilized wind power in boats in 5,000 BC (s1). However, China is the lead world of using wind power (s2). The biggest country …show more content…

The first wind farm was built in 1980, it have twenty 30KW wind turbines in Crotched Mountain in New Hampshire in U.S (s2). U.S has installed wind power capacity in Texas with 14,098MW of capacity (s2). However China has the largest capacity in the world installed in 2015 (S6). Both of U.S and China have too many capacities that can produce power for a long time (s2,s3). Another difference is that in 2016 U.S installed 75GW wind turbine capacity (s2). In the other hand, China is forecast to have 250GW of wind capacity in 2020 (s6). In 2014 181.79 terra/hours 4.44% of all generated electrical energy in U.S (s2). China have produced or generated more than U.S (s6) because China have more wind farms that contain wind turbine that can produce 20KW in each turbine. Both are use wind power as main source to produce electrical power for the all country (s2,s3). The largest wind farm was called The Alta Wind Energy in U.S in California with capacity of 1320 MW …show more content…

Both countries have increased the economy in each country (s6). In both countries costed on billion to installed 6,700 wind turbines. Moreover, this turbines are mostly produced less than 100KW and generated about 550 million KW/year (s2). However, both of this two countries have different investment than the other.
For example, 12 million investment from U.S department of energy (s1). For the more, 35 billion of investment for 19 GigaWatts of wind power (s2) in U.S. On the other hand, China’s technology company invested 400 CN it’s equal to 61.62 US dollar million in building wind turbine generators (s6). To compare between China and U.S on investment China invested more than U.S in just one company. However, both countries have some similarities in challenges. One challenge is the wind turbine make too much noise if they were near the houses (s3). The second challenge, is wind turbine cost too much money to built

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