Comparing Buddhism And The Eightfold Path

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Buddhism is prefered as a way of life, rather than a religion. Around the world there are about 300 million people that live there life this way. Buddhism focuses on a life of meditation, concentration, and mental development. It also focuses on wisdom and having a clear, pure, and calm mind. Buddhism was discovered when a prince, Prince Siddhartha Gautama, sat under a tree and meditated. He finally arose and became Buddah, “Enlightened One”. All the teachings of Buddhism he created are based on the Four Noble Truths and the fourth noble truth, the Eightfold Path. The Eightfold Path is a path which you take to release anything that defies true nature and to unlearn and uncover, to become one with our true selves. The Eightfold Path is a way …show more content…

This may be decoded as “right speech or Clear, truthful, uplifting and non-harmful communication” (Allan, The Eight-Fold Path). Having right speech and clear communication is abstaining from hostile language and hostility with others. It also is to forbear from lying and using inappropriate language, such as cursing. The fourth rule of the path is Integral Action. This may be reworded as “ right action” (Allan, The Eight-Fold Path). Right action is following the Five Precepts. The Five Precepts are a series of directions that prevent you from doing harm to yourself and others around you. Such as, refraining from alcohol, drugs and other intoxications, to maintain sobriety, to keep a clear mind and to prevent a numb-mind. The fifth rule of the path is Proper Livelihood. This may be converted to “right livelihood” (Allan, The Eight-Fold Path). Having right livelihood is having the correct thought of a basic society. It is also having the right idea of a constant healthy environment and a clear and happy atmosphere. The sixth rule of the path is Complete or Full Effort, Energy, or Vitality. This can be also known as “right effort or diligence” ( Allan, The Eight-Fold Path). Having right effort is always giving it your all and putting in one hundred percent of