Comparing Camus 'Rebel And The Myth Of Sisyphus'

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The Rebel
After WW2 the nature of Europe had change dramatically, how could it not? This change can be seen in Camus too. Whereas The Myth of Sisyphus concludes that there are no superior values and we each must choose our own, seeing the cataclysmic effects of war first hand spurred Camus to make an attempt at pinning down a value that we can all hold as true. France was rife with ideologies, and some such as Sartre and De Beauvoir turned toward communism, though Camus opposed this in favour of social liberty. Camus is chiefly concerned with preserving freedom, a likely result of experiencing one of the greatest threats to freedom every know – The Nazis. The Rebel explores the idea of man in revolt and offers Camus’ perspective on the ideals