Comparing Christian And Secular Scientists View Of Radiometric Dating

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Briley Collins Mrs. Tawney Chem. 11 22 February 2023 Intro: Who Cares about it? What does it mean to me? What is Radiometric dating? Definition of radiometric dating Dictionary definition (this does not count as a cite) Scholar definition of Radiometric dating (Christian and Secular) Explanation of how it works. Explanation for kids How do Christian scientists view radiometric dating? Talk about creation Beliefs Christians have Why they believe what they believe about the dating system Assumptions How do Secular Scientists view radiometric dating? Following same things as Christian scientists Compare Christian and Secular Scientists views Combine the information Compare the factors Examples …show more content…

For years, geologists, archaeologists, and researchers have wondered how old these minerals and elements are and how old the earth is. To answer these questions scientists created various methods to determine the age of organic organisms. One of the ways that the Earths probable age was determined was by Radiometric dating. Radiometric Dating is a system to determine the Earths age and has been used by many scientists starting around 1862 (National Geographic Society). To continue, Matthew writes that God called his believers to be “wise as serpents” and this can apply even to the scientific era (New International Version Bible, Matt. 10.6) Therefore, with a clear analysis of Radiometric Dating it can be known what it is, how Christian and Secular scientists view it, and see the differences between the views on Radiometric dating, giving a true understanding of what the system …show more content…

A Christian scientist would typically have many doubts about the accuracy of radiometric dating, as well as point out the constant inconsistencies whenever it is used. For instance, a story was told of a college professor who was questioning their evolutionist beliefs, especially that of radiometric dating. The professor, Dr. Hall sent in one sample of a pig bone from his family farm into a lab for radiometric dating to be done on the bone. Once the results were back the dating system concluded that the bone was 2 million years old. Dr. Hall found this quite strange as he knew the bone was not that age. Therefore, he sent in another sample, a cow bone. This bone came from the same location as the pig bone and the results came back. This time the radiometric dating concluded the bone was over 2 million years old. After both samples were sent and the results were back Dr. Hall knew something was not accurate about carbon-14 dating (Kim Park). To continue, a secular scientist would have the opposite standpoint. Rather than seeing the negatives of it the focus is more on how the dating system works. Piles of evidence of what radiometric dating has done to tell the age of rocks or organic materials to determine the earth's age. Most importantly a secular scientists would deny any other way, especially what the Bible has provided as help with determining our planets age. To