Comparing Christian Beliefs On Death And Life After Death

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No one wants to die, but death is inevitable and something that people often think about. Wondering what happens when we die is a question that everyone things about at some point, and most people are afraid of the moment that they will meet death. Different religions say that life will end in different ways. Depending on beliefs, people have their own ideas when it comes to life after death. Those who follow the Hindu faith believe that the end of human life will lead to a path of reincarnation where their life will take another form. Christians, however, believe that the resurrection of Jesus Christ means that their afterlife will be an eternal heavenly existence.
Christianity calls the concept of coming back to life after death resurrection; in fact, some would …show more content…

Jesus resurrected both Jairus' Daughter and Lazarus from the dead. The prophet Elijah and the disciples Peter and Paul also raised people from the dead (Britannica “Resurrection”). According to the Gospel of Matthew, many saints in Jerusalem came out of their graves and back to life with the earthquake that happened at Jesus’ crucifixion (Matthew 27: 50-54). However, the most Venable 2 important resurrection in Christianity is that of Jesus Christ. The gospels plainly say that Jesus was born man and made to suffer and die so that the sins of all people could be forgiven. Rising from the dead was part of the promise that God made to the Hebrew people for their ultimate salvation. To celebrate Jesus rising out of his tomb on the third day after his crucifixion,
Christians celebrate the holiday of Easter. Famed evangelist Rev. Billy Graham calls “the resurrection of Jesus Christ the most important thing in the world. If Jesus Christ is alive, then there is hope for the world” (Graham). Jesus’ resurrection guarantees Christian believers eternal life after death. The resurrection of Christ promises his followers that one day they