Comparing Christopher Columbus Voyage To America And Charles Lindbergh's

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There are two journeys that everyone is surely to be acquainted with: the Christopher Columbus voyage to America and Charles Lindbergh’s flight across the Atlantic Ocean. There are similarities that are very visible to the basic mind. However, there are also major contradictions, differences, and changes that took place within the 400 year time gap.

Christopher Columbus’ voyage to the “new world” changed the world dramatically, opened a doorway of discoveries, and changed mankind forever. Accomplishing this feat was almost impossible for the desperate Christopher Columbus. Time and time again he was denied the access to the funds deemed necessary for his trip.("Web Hunt: Christopher Columbus.") When all seemed lost, he finally gained approval from King John II of Portugal. He presented the royalty with dreams of wealth and glory, which to a king, is power.("Christopher Columbus.”) His accomplishments not only benefitted the king; the world was changed, by simple but yet effective things such as: exchanging plants and animals between Europeans and Americans. When Columbus’ voyage was finally at rest, the period of colonization finally began. The period of colonization was the very first time the settlers set up colonies away from their origin. This time more problems would come into play. During the first years of colonization, they encountered great trials and obstacles. Problems they encountered were simple yet deadly. Ranging from basic colds to shortages of unclean drinking water, these unfamiliar guests proved helpless against nature's tyrants. Christopher Columbus had very important skills that helped him through …show more content…

Among these skills is his ability to make maps and his love of being a mariner. This ultimately paid off in the end as Christopher Columbus knew he had proved his point and accomplished his