Comparing Cocteau's Beauty And The Beast

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La Belle et la Bète in Comparison
When tracing the influences of Disney’s live action Beauty and the Beast (2017), its Surrealist roots may be the most important.
Fairy tales have been the pillars of society since man figured out how to tell stories that contain a morel. As a culture develops its fairy tales develop along with the ideas of the culture. The story of Beauty and the Beast continues to adapt since Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve first released this captivating tale in 1740. With each new instillation of the thrilling tale of beauty and love, the original narrative changes. There will always be some through-lines though that never change.
In 1946 Surrealist director, Jean Paul Cocteau, using the abridge version by Jeannne-Marie …show more content…

This effect was accomplished a few ways in Cocteau’s films. Firstly, he has actors who become parts of the set. Be it arms jutting from walls holding candelabras that light up and sway ever so subtly or the decorations of the fire place that watch over your dinner Cocteau personifies the items of the castle through real people. This is something that also pops up in the Disney films, but in true Disney fashion the heroine is given talking inanimate object sidekicks instead of talking animals. In the 2017 film the first look of the castle does contain two lamps held by two out stretched arms, perhaps as an homage to the 1946 film. The use of stop-motion and shots played in reveres also contribute to creating the surreal, and yet truthful recreation of the story Cocteau wanted to …show more content…

Cocteau still has Beauty returning after nearly breaking the heart of the Beast, but adds drama by having Avenont and Ludovic arriving at the Beast’s castle attempting to steal from the Beast while Belle works to save the Beast form his broken heart. Avenont and Ludovic stumble upon the Beast’s hidden treasures which consists of a room full of gold with a beautiful statue. The two try to break into the room and both are shot by the statue. Avenont falls into the room of riches and turns into the Beast. The curse shifts to Avenont as the Beast finally feels Belle’s love and the Beast transforms back into a human, but not just any