
Comparing Daun Russell's Cock And The Fox

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There are many similarities between the character of daun Russell the fox from The Nun’s Priest's Tale and Satan. With a little analysis it’s quite clear actually. Both Satan and the fox are the antagonist in their respective stories, and use tactics resembling one another to capture their unsuspecting prey. Some of their greatest similarities are their charm, appearance, and devious mindset, while having a slightly different end goal. In Cock and Fox, the fox is first shown as a doglike beast in Chanticleer’s dream near the beginning of the book which haunted his thoughts. When daun Russell comes after Chanticleer physically however, he is but a small red fox. Aside from Chanticleer’s superstition because of his dreams, he is not afraid, but instead flattered, and becomes easily friendly with the fox. To most people Satan or the Devil is pictured as demon-like red beast, but he is biblically portrayed as the most glorious of the three archangels (Michael, Gabriel, and Lucifer). He will also tempt with pleasures and lusts which seem appealing, a lot like the flattery of the fox, but will ultimately become a downfall. …show more content…

Chanticleer thought that he knew better at first, but slowly the fox chipped away at his suspicion with his compliments. As Chanticleer was a beautiful rooster who crowed on the hour always, the fox gave hollow praise to Chanticleer’s songs which he listened to often while plotting how he would capture and devour him. This was the same way that the fox ate his parents, by using flattery he sweetened his false friendship with them and was able to ensnare and eat them in the same way he planned for Chanticleer. In that same way, Satan uses his temptations to lure lost souls away from God, but also like in the story, some are able to escape his traps before it is too

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