
Comparing Fahrenheit 451, The Maze Runner, And

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The human condition is a strange and twisted element of the human psyche. Humans crave morbidity and outrageously hyperbolic societies that make our own social problems seem miniscule. Dystopias are one way that authors manipulate the darkest, most insecure elements of the human condition that are in dire need of reassurance that humans are normal. Fahrenheit 451, The Maze Runner, and The Giver are all perfect examples of anomalous societies that, though all different from each other, have one thing in common; they all show a society in which people are forced into some sort of acceptance of a reality in which they have been forced to conform, and have no recollection of any other life outside of the one they live. These societies make current societies look normal. These 3 …show more content…

Fahrenheit 451, the novel that sent common literature ablaze through the dystopian fantasy that all people besides the government should be made equal by the eradication of books that tell of history and produce complex thought; this novel made people feel socially normal because they don’t have to be like everyone, and can possess knowledge. The Maze Runner, a story that brought the fear of wanting more in life to reality, and taught people to accept what you have, because what you consider better may be far worse. Finally, The Giver, the movie that was devised of strategic cinematography and expert style in order to create a lasting impression on viewers. This movie warned that being the same as everyone is not a good thing, it relinquishes creativity and knowledge from all, and leaves life meaningless. Dystopias use social commentary to prove to people that what can be considered better by some, is far worse for

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