Comparing John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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If your best friend jumped off a bridge would you do it too? A man’s best friend is his dog and in Of Mice and Men, Lennie receives a potential best friend, his puppy. In this story, we see numerous connections between characters, for example, Candy and his old dog, how Slim is a friend to his workers, and Lennie with his puppy. These connections are also similarities. In life, you create a connection with someone and you can gain similarities with them and through this they can potentially have the same fate . In Of Mice and Men, written by John Steinbeck, he uses the character of the puppy to demonstrate traits in Lennie that are similar. Young children and animals are dependent on someone and in Of Mice and Men we see how Lennie and his puppy are dependent on others. The puppy was dependent on Lennie for teaching him right from wrong. “Nine of ‘em. I drowned four of ‘em right off. She couldn’t feed that many” (35). The puppy’s mother is in sorrow for those pups and the other pups are not being cared for as much so they depend on someone to give them that extra love and attention. …show more content…

If the puppy’s mother was in the picture he would not have been as aggressive because of the love and care received from his mother. “You get right up an’ take this pup back to the nest. He’s gotta sleep with his mother. You want to kill him” (43)? Without the special nurture of his mother the puppy is as good as dead from the loneliness of being away from the nurture. After Lennie gets into trouble he conjures up his Aunt Clara telling him that he causes George a lot of trouble. If he had his mother-figure, Aunt Clara, then he would stick better to what he knows is right and what is wrong. “You keep me in hot water all the time” (11). Yelling at someone always makes them agitated, but with a mother-figure’s love and care they better understand what they did