
Comparing Letter From Birmingham Jail By Malcolm X And Martin Luther King Jr.

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Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. encountered one another only once throughout their their lives. Even without communicating in person, they supported the views of the other. In “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King Jr. and “Racism: The Cancer That is Destroying America” by Malcolm X explain some of the struggles they had to face in their fight against racism. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X understood and lived through the many difficulties of racism. They made endless efforts to try and resolve racism, but never fully succeeded. Martin Luther King Jr. believed in peaceful resolution, where Malcolm X believed in creating a revolution. In both stories, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. communicate their stance on racism …show more content…

used the purpose of their writing to help address racism. Both had similar purposes in trying to end racism, but differed on ways to accomplish it. Malcolm X’s purpose was to keep the movement going and unite people. Malcolm X stated, “Only through united efforts can our problems there be solved” (Malcolm 304). Malcolm understood that the only way to fully end racism is if everyone, all races, came together and accepted one another. Malcolm X was willing to do anything in order to make the lives better for his fellow African Americans. Malcolm X believed in creating a revolution to better the lives for African Americans. He was tired of them being deprived of their basic human rights. Malcolm X wanted African Americans to be treated the same as white people. He knew that African Americans were suffering and being treated poorly by society. Martin Luther King Jr. also knew that African Americans were facing prejudice. Martin Luther King Jr.’s purpose was much different than Malcolm X's. Martin Luther King Jr. wanted to justify his actions and reasons for being in Birmingham. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote, “So I, along with several members of my staff, am here because I was invited” (King 892). Martin Luther King Jr. wanted to show that his staff and himself were invited to Alabama. They were there to fight for equal rights for African Americans and to end racism. Martin Luther King Jr. did not want the white Americans in Alabama to think …show more content…

Malcolm X was writing to African Americans. He wanted them to understand that they were fighting as a team, “As long as the freedom struggle of the 22 million Afro Americans is labeled a civil rights…” (Malcolm 305). Malcolm X wrote to African Americans to encourage them to keep fighting against racism. He did not want them to lose hope in their movement and to believe in themselves. Malcolm X believed in doing whatever it took to finish what they started. On the other hand, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote to the white clergymen. He explained to them, “But since I feel that you are men of genuine good will and that your criticisms are sincerely set forth, I want to try to answer your statement in what I…” (King ). Martin Luther King Jr. wanted to show the men that even though they treated them poorly, he still believed they were good men in their hearts. He knew that they were good people who had made bad decisions. When Martin Luther King Jr. was writing to his audience, he alludes to his children. He explains, “Explain to your six-year-old daughter why she can’t go to the public amusement park… see tears welling up in her eyes… Funtown is closed to colored children…” (King 895). Martin Luther King Jr. wanted white Americans to understand the effects racism can have on African American children. He needed to show white people that their

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