
Comparing Lorrie And Jim Huskamp's Life

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Everyone is different in the way they live and act through life. Usually, this is influenced by how they are raised and what kind of a person they are raised by. Fortunately, Julia Huiskamp was blessed with two amazing role models as her parents. Even though, there are many differences between Lorrie and Jim Huiskamp they both have impacted Julia’s life greatly. Jim and Lorrie both have many different personalities in life. Jim is very smart in his decision making. He hates losing money and investing money into things that won’t benefit himself. Although this is a good trait, Julia often gets frustrated with him as he isn’t as giving with spending on things she wants unlike her mother. Lorrie is a very giving mother who is always the one Julia goes to if she needs something. Julia’s mom always makes sure everyone is taken care of and satisfied. Jim cares …show more content…

Julia’s father, Jim, has thick, brown, and curly hair. His light blue eyes make him very unique, because most brown haired people have brown eyes. Jim also is very tall with long legs. He takes care of his body by eating healthy and working out regularly. This helps him to stay and look healthy. Julia’s mother, Lorrie, has light, brown, and thin hair. Her dark blue eyes are also unique, due to the color of her hair. Lorrie isn’t tall compared to the people in her family, but for the average person she is tall. Lorrie works very hard to stay in shape, but has to try a little bit harder than Jim. She goes on walks and exercises daily to keep up. As the reader can see, Jim and Lorrie are drastically different in three different ways: personality, employment, and appearance. Just because they are different doesn’t mean one is better than the other. They both come together to mold Julia’s characteristics and make her the person she is. Through all the differences, they are both great and loving parents to Julia, and they both want the best for

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