
Comparing Mark's Gospel And Discipleship Within The Gospel Of Mark

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Malone 1

Within the Gospel of Mark, is the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand. Jesus’ disciples had returned to him to share what they had taught. Jesus replies by telling them to find

a quiet place and rest for some time. Many people in the city Jesus and his disciples were located

in, followed them. As the followers surrounded Jesus, he noticed “they were like sheep without a

shepherd” (Mark 6:34). So, he began to teach them. As it grew later in the day, Jesus’ disciples

told him that he should send the followers away so they may get something to eat. Jesus replied

that the disciples must feed them. After receiving backlash from his disciples, Jesus counted out

five …show more content…

It was suspected that Nero started the fire, but he blamed the
Christians. According to Frigge, this lead to the deaths of: Paul, Peter, and James. These times were the reason Mark wrote his Gospel. He wanted to show them that just like Jesus, they will suffer, but God will take care of them and their problems. Within Mark’s Gospel, the major themes “focus on both Jesus and the disciples” (Frigge
164). One of the ways Mark shows this theme is “emphasizing Jesus as the messiah” (Frigge
164). This is especially true in Mark chapter six, verses thirty to forty-four. In this story, Jesus gives the task of feeding the five thousand to his disciples. The disciples seem to question Jesus because there are only five loaves of bread and two fish. How will this little feed so much?
V. 30-31 The passage begins with Jesus’ disciples gathering around him after a day of teaching. The disciples are telling Jesus what they had done and what they had taught. He is their teacher, they are His students. He is teaching them to relay His word. He then sends them to a quiet place to rest by

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