
Gospel Of Mark Theme Essay

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Gospel of Mark There are many themes in the gospels and sometimes they are not the easiest to understand. In the Gospel of Mark has one of the main themes is the humility of Jesus. This does not me the compassion or the care that he had for others but his identity he had in his human form. Many time people underplay the divinity of Jesus and his works. They might not be able to think of him as God. Even since the beginning of the Church there has been some denial of Jesus and his divinity. One example of this is when Jesus and his disciples travel away from the crowds to rest. “He said to them, Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while. People were coming and going in great numbers, and they had no opportunity even to …show more content…

He just wants to be seen as a normal person and a teacher. He asks the people that he heals to keep quiet about what he has done but most of the time they can not. He walks with his apostles and eats with them. He also suffers with them also. Jesus’ suffering can be seen many different ways but mostly his death. His own people turned on him and decided that he should be put to death. Even on of his own followers was part of the cause of his demise. "Immediately, while he was still speaking, Judas, one of the twelve, arrived; and with him there was a crowd with swords and clubs, from the chief priests, the scribes, and the elders" (Mark 14:43). The people Jesus had grown to love and serve, his own apostles, deserted him when he was arrested (Mark 14:50). Jesus suffered physical pain and even emotional pain like all of us do but most of all in Mark he displayed anger with others. He was betrayed by those he trusted and denied by people who said they loved him. Many things from this gospel were surprising to me especially the theme that I picked out. I never saw jesus as someone full of emotion or needing the same daily things that we need. Parts of the bible show his divinity like when he fasts for forty days. Someone today would not be able to survive such a

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