Mark's Gospel Describe Jesus

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1. Based solely on Mark’s gospel, describe Jesus. Be careful NOT to include any other source but Mark’s gospel (I will deduct points if you do). You may want to skim your reading and lecture notes. Make sure you give me a thorough paragraph in your response.
Mark portrays Jesus as “human.” Under his human characteristics, Mark describes Jesus as fragile, tired, angry, and at times mean. Jesus gets upset with his disciples saying, “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?” Jesus is then portrayed as mean during his encounter with a woman and her daughter in the region of Tyre. Jesus says to the woman, “even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.” In other words, Jesus is calling the woman a dog for asking her daughter to be healed. In addition to Jesus’s human traits, Mark portrays Jesus as a healer, as committing no sins, being able to calm the storm, and knowing the intimate thoughts of others. Mark portrays Jesus as one who speaks with authority. He is wise in the way he conducts himself and wise in the way he teaches. Jesus is also portrayed as a provider, feeding five thousand men with five loaves and two fish.
2. What are some important things missing from Mark’s Jesus?
In short, Mark portrays Jesus as an active compassionate servant. However, Mark omits Jesus’s …show more content…

Jesus says to the woman, “Even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.” In other words, Jesus calls the woman a dog for asking her daughter to be healed. This surprises me and causes me to question why Jesus would do this? Part of me wonders if we have interpreted what Jesus says in a way that he never intended. Is there a possibility Jesus never said this? As far as the things I like in Mark’s Jesus, there are so many. I enjoy the wisdom and authority that Jesus speaks from. Not only does he speak with authority, he provides. These are qualities that you often hear people talk about