Comparing Nothing Gold Can Stay By Robert Frost And T. S. Eliot

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Jack Helton Mr. Hendricks American Literature 11 April 2024 The Importance of Now Robert Frost’s “Nothing Gold Can Stay”and T.S. Eliot’s “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” concerns self identity through illuminating moments, the concepts of the passage of time and the importance of now. Robert Frost uses the changing of seasons to illustrate the passage of time and times of personal growth. T.S. Eliot concerns how fear holds humans back from living their full dreams. Through both of these works of literature, each author gives a relatable event to resonate with the reader that brings out deeper meanings to influence a sense of individuality and personal growth. “Nothing Gold Can Stay”illustrates the passage of time by using a metaphor of …show more content…

Frost then writes, “Her early leaf’s a flower / But only so an hour,” (Frost lines 3-4). Frost illustrates that beauty of nature is taken away quickly because beauty is eventually normalized. It is only until the beauty fades that it is realized how much time the beauty of nature has been around us, yet the viewer neglects to appreciate it until too much time has passed. Frost uses the changing of seasons to show how time is taken for granted and is not truly appreciated. The good times, or spring and summer, must eventually come to an end, fall and winter, “Nothing gold can stay,” (Frost line 8). Time is so irreplaceable and through Nothing Gold Can Stay, it is important to recognize and properly utilize the time one has and how it can be used to fulfill their identity through the personal growth they’ve experienced through the seasons of time. “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” concerns not taking advantage of the time you have through wasted opportunity and finding contentment with personal individuality. T.S. Eliot writes of a man who contemplates attending a party to see this girl he has interest in, however he fears being rejected. Prufrock spends his night overthinking his