Nothing Gold Can Stay Essay

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The poem “Nothing Gold can stay” by Robert Frost has a beautiful yet deep meaning. Robert Frost’s meaning for the poem remains a mystery. Although this poem has a difficult meaning to understand, the form, context, and theme will help break it down.”Nothing Gold Can Stay” has a very valuable and unique background. This poem may be interpreted in many ways and can have bountiful values. The true meaning of the poem may have a difficult perspective to understand.

The short poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” has a theme that may be hard to construe. The symbolism of the poem has a connection to nature and the emotions of it. In the poem Robert Frost describes leaves as gold. When the leaves are made during the spring time they are beautiful. Robert Frost is explaining seasons and wants to emphasize that nothing beautiful can stay. Gold …show more content…

Robert Frost wrote this poem to tell people that nothing beautiful can stay forever. One of the lines “Her hardest hue to hold” may represent mother nature, as the seasons pass the leaves and flowers wither away. The title and last line of the poem also show important context and symbolism. Gold has been described as beauty and the phrase “Nothing Gold Can stay” shows that the seasons do no stay. Something perfect does not stay forever and Robert Frost wants that to be known.

Although every line, theme, and context behind the poem all have important jobs, Form also has a crucial role. The poem does not have a lot of length but it does stick to some sort of pattern. An AABB, CCDD pattern is used for this poem. The first two lines end with the words gold and hold which rhyme, since these are the first two words they are represented as AA. The last row of lines both end with day and stay which also rhyme these have a DD letter to define them. Every two lines rhyme with each other causing no repeats of the letters representing the