Character Analysis: Nothing Gold Can Stay

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“Stay gold like a greaser.” The Outsiders is a book about 2 groups of people that are not alike, battling for land, power and recognition. The poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost is about an individual that has a lot of experience with life, and are continuing it battle the ups and downs of life. From beginning to end in The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, it is showing that the characters are comparing to "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost.
“Your time is way too valuable to be wasting on things you are not enjoying .” The poem "Nothing Gold Can Stay" has a quote that states, “"Nothing Gold Can Stay.” In The Outsiders, the greaser gang were at the rumble when they started to fight another group. When they won they went to go see their …show more content…

A reputation is what people think of you as. The quote “so dawn goes down to stay” can relate to a lousy or superb reputation. Dally doesn't have the best reputation. A reputation can only go down, not up. Unless you do something outstanding like Ponyboy and Johnny did. But Dally never did that. “He was known for getting in fights, robbing places, being arrested, being drunk and alot more.” From here his reputation with the police will go down and stay there for a long time. However Ponyboy has a clean reputation. Although he was involved with murder the police never had to talk or breakup anything with him. “I'm not like them.” The rest of the gang liked to get in trouble and loved getting in fight. Well ponyboy didn't mind getting in fights but he wasn't going out on the streets asking to get hit in the stomach. He was mostly on the polices good side. His dependability went down but not for good. He eventually gained his trust back with a very responsible action that left everyone very …show more content…

After a few years of those, I imagine death presents like a holiday at the beach. When someone dies it can have a very concentrated impact on someone. “So eden sank to grief.” When Johnny passed away in the hospital, dally felt he had nothing to live for. “Johnny died, my soul died.” Dally loved no one except for Johnny. He felt as if he was his brother and he tried his best to let no one hurt him. When he died he believed that he would just kill himself to be with Johnny and wouldn't feel the depression he did for losing his brother. So as he did Dally sank to grief and commited suicide. Ponyboy didn't expect that Johnny and Dally died the same day. “They aren't dead.” Pony just kept telling himself that. He knew they were dead but he thought it was a big dream. Pony sank, but he didn't allow himself to sink to grief. He just kept telling himself that they did not die, but would soon realized that the were. “So eden sank to grief” shows that eden sank so far that he allowed himself to die in a depressed