
Comparing Novels, By Ray Bradbury And The Hate U Give By Angie Thomas

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The stories we create, tell, and reflect are the past, present, and future of our existence. A world without stories is a world of the unknown and the forgotten. Literature is our art, drama, poetry, and most importantly, a written record of who we are. George R.R. Martin, the famous author once said, “The reader lives a thousand lives, the man who does not read lives only one.” (“Do you agree there is little value in literature today?”) This reminds us of how literature can transport us into different worlds and teach us valuable lessons. Despite the rise of digital media and decline of readers, literature remains invaluable. Literature serves as a beacon of timeless lessons for those who choose to read it. We have the works of Agatha Christie …show more content…

Literature sparks conversation by addressing modern issues in society. Novels like “ relentlessly violent” by Ray Bradbury and “The Hate U Give” by Angie Thomas tackle pressing social issues like racial injustice and censorship. We can conclude that, “These books not only entertain us but also challenge our perspectives and inspire us to take action.” (“Do you agree there is little value in literature today?”) In our world that rapidly changes, literature serves as a mirror that reflects on the triumphs and struggles of society. Reading literature leads towards a better understanding of the world and eventually a better future. It is true that "Some people argue that the rise of poorly written books and the decline in reading among young people are signs of literature's decline.” (“Do you agree there is little value in literature today?”) Despite these concerns about declining quality and readership, literature will continue to encourage personal growth. As James Mchussain once said, “Moreover, stories of adversity and transformation inspire readers to approach challenges with resilience and a positive outlook.” (“The Transformative Power of

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