Comparing PWI And Hbcus Essay

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HBCUs and PWIs are both institutions that provide higher education to those seeking it. The real difference behind them stems from race preference. HBCUs are Historically Black Colleges and Universities, while PWIs are Predominantly White Institutions. Historically black colleges were established before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 with the intention of primarily serving the African-American community. Predominantly white institution are institutions of higher learning in which Whites account for 50% or greater of the student enrollment. HBCUs were founded to educate black intellectuals and to transform Aamerican society into understanding and envisioning what it meant to be black after the Civil War. HBCUs can be described as “the vehicles …show more content…

The level of education at both can be summed up with the idea that, “Howard is the Harvard for HBCUs.” Both have IVY League Schools, HBCU Ivy League schools consist of Howard University, Spelman College, Fisk University, Morehouse College, and Tuskegee University. PWI Ivy League schools consist of Yale Uuniversity, Harvard University, and Princeton University. At both HBCU and PWI, there Ivy league schools provide a more rigorous college experience, gifting students with an experience and opportunity to learn at a higher level. The experiences at each college areis the same for each race. A black person at an HBCU feels accepted into the community , because they are around people who they feel comfortable with . A white person at a PWI feels recognized, and they are at ease, because they are around people who look like them. Both HBCUs and PWIs give the students access to the higher levelhigher-level learning that they need in order to be successful in their field of business. Many will say, “There is great diversity across American higher education regardless of the racial history of an institution and rigor and selectivity are part of that diversity.” In other words, PWIs and HBCUs have diversity causing the feel for the level of education to feel different, but in actuality …show more content…

American perception of PWIs and HBCUs shows a difference. The misconception between the two has been serious and ongoing;, some may say “people only discredit HBCUs because of how people view blackness. So, when you speak of black institutions, people kind of turn their nose up. People automatically elevate PWIs because they’re white colleges and there’s this idea that a majority-white school is a quality,” Williams says. The idea that a PWI is better than an HBCU stems from the idea that white people are better and that they receive a higher education, when in reality theythey may be learning the same lesson. The predominant race at each institution provides a clear distinction between the two. The predominant race at an HBCU is black, due to its history and foundation of the school. The predominant race at a PWI is white, because it was founded to educate white young