
Comparing Pi And After Pi

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What Martel is trying to say in his author’s note is that all fiction really is is the transformation and contortion of reality, extracting its true nature. Martel speaks about this story he (the fictional version of himself) wanted to write about Portugal– but he was in India while writing this story. He decided to turn this Portugal story into a fiction, since fiction is an alteration of reality, and he believed there was no purpose in actually going to Portugal. He goes on with his journey including a failed novel about Portugal (that he discards), the search for a new story to write, and an altercation with an old man named Francis Adirubasamy in a coffee house in Pondicherry. Francis tells the author that he has a story that will make …show more content…

Pi tells them about the incredible story of his life on the boat, his survival, the island, and Richard Parker. The investigators did not seem to believe this tale so they asked for the truth. Pi realized that they may be looking for a story that does not include something that doesn’t seem real, so he makes up a story parallel to the true one, except this one includes people instead of animals. After he told the human version, Pi mentions that neither story explains the sinking of the ship, neither makes a factual difference to the investigators, and no one can prove which story is true and which is not. In both stories, the ship sinks, Pi’s family dies, and he suffers. He then asks, “So tell me, since it makes no factual difference to you and you can’t prove the question either way, which story do you prefer?” (Martel 317). When the investigators state that the animal story is better than the human one, Pi says, “Thank you. And so it goes with God.” (Martel 317). What Pi means by this is that this same concept can be applied to religion. Almost all of the same events occur in at least the three Abrahamic religions, they all seem like stories to us since we were not alive during those times, and there’s no actual way to prove anything occurred. Pi develops the themes of truth, and story versus reality in …show more content…

Martel claims that fiction is a contortion of reality and the extraction of its nature. Pi claims that God and religion are really based on a preference of story. Both quotes mean that the truth can be manipulated and/or told differently. All stories can end the same way and have no evidence behind it, so it all depends on which version you prefer. Fiction is just nonfiction but with a twist. Religion is based on which story you favor. There is no correct

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