Comparing Romeo And Juliet And Oedipus Rex: A Greek Tragedy

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When think of the tragedy, I automatically think of Greek plays and Shakespearean plays, which have some tragic endings. The point of a tragedy is main character or characters always have a fatal flaw which leads to their various downfalls, what makes it a tragedy is usually that the character themselves are of good intentions and are in fact trying to help or end a terrible situation. However, in the end because of these characters flaws they fail and often die. Some examples are Romeo and Juliet where the tragedy is their love that cannot be freely expressed because their families are enemies; another one is Oedipus Rex a Greek tragedy where the main characters flaw is pride.
Historical tragedies do not arise when right clashes with wrong …show more content…

Many Jews started to immigrate to this land from Africa and Europe because these Jew felt that they belonged to this land to fulfill the biblical prophets. These Jews go to Palestine, but people are already there, and the Arabs do not like this. In World War 1, the British came into the Palestine and fight the Ottoman Empire after this the British claim this land. They control this land till WW2. The British adopts the Belford declaration, which states that the British are going to support the declaration of a Jewish state in 1917. World War 2 help with the plea to have a Jewish state because of the holocaust and the extermination of the Jewish. This gave a stronger agreement to the Jews, and the reason they should have their state is because of what Hitler did and how they do not have a place to go to. In 1947, the United Nations votes gave a piece of Palestine to the Jew, which ends up being Israel. On May 14, 1948 the state of Israel is official. This date is when the Arab and Israeli war officially starts as well. The Israeli War of independents was from 1947 to 1949. Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq they are going to declare war on Israel, because they felt like …show more content…

Israelis launched a hugely successful military campaign against its perceived enemies. This campaign lead to, the air forces of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq being destroyed on June 5th. As the days pasted many Egyptian tanks had been destroyed in the Sinai Desert and Israeli forces reached the Suez Canal. On June 7th the west bank of the Jordan River had been cleared of Jordanian military and Israeli forces moved 30 miles into Syria. This was a devastating even for the Arab nations, how one nation could defeat 4 nations in a short period of time. After Israel had won this war on June 19, 1967, the Israeli unity government passed a decision, ”stating that Israel was prepared to return the Sinai Peninsula to Egypt and the Golan Heights to Syria, in return for signed peace

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