Comparing The Achievements Of Sundiata And Mansa Musa

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The African leaders Sundiata and Mansa Musa accomplished many achievements during their rules. A ruler named Samanguru killed Sundiata’s eleven brothers. Luckily, Sundiata made it out of the attack and survived to have a successful war against Samanguru. This war, called the Battle of Kirina, led to Sundiata becoming the king of Mali. Immediately, he made his army stronger. Trade had fallen off during the war between Ghana and Mali. Sundiata wanted the trade to continue. The northern part of the Niger River, where plenty of gold came from, was in Mali. Therefore, the people had a lot of gold, but they lacked salt. Given that, Sundiata controlled the gold and salt trade. He also made some of his people work in the fields to grow crops. A later