Comparing The Religions Of Judaism, Islam, And Christianity

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Good morning Miss and class. In the world today, there are roughly 4,200 religions. The main religions in the world are Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam and Christianity. The biggest religion to date, with the most people, is Christianity with just over 2.4 billion in its faith. Catholicism stems off from the original religion of Christianity and has over 1.2 billion followers. Buddhism is also a largely in populated religion with 535 million people following. Rituals in religions are used to strengthen connections between the God and the followers of the faith. Catholicism and Buddhism have very different views and beliefs when it comes to sacred rituals especially in the ritual of funerals. This presentation will explore and explain how …show more content…

The Catholic Church is the continuation of the early Christian community established by Jesus Christ. The followers of the faith believe that Jesus is the son of God and the last prophet to come and he was sent from heaven to heal us from sin. As well as Jesus will come back one day and that will be called Judgement day. Jesus was believed to perform miracles such as curing the blind, raised the dead, turned water into wine, walked on water, fed thousands of people with one loaf of bread and two fish. As a symbol of the Last Supper, the ceremony of Eucharist is conducted for all to be apart of the church by consuming the bread and wine for Christ’s body and blood. The Holy Trinity is another main belief and means one God in three persons, God the Son, God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. The sacred text of Catholicism is the Bible which is believed to be error free and revealing the word of God. God is seen in many ways by followers such as through the Cross and through the …show more content…

When the body disintegrates at death, the mind does not cease. Buddhists believe that life and death are a part of a cycle called Samsara which means that your past actions in life and your previous reincarnations lead to further rebirths. The belief is that when your body leaves this earth your soul continues on being reborn according to your karma. You do not choose where you are reborn it is solely based on your karma. The ultimate goal of a Buddhists is to free oneself from all desires and selfish acts to liberate themselves from Samsara at which they will attain enlightenment and reach the state of nirvana. Buddhists believe funerals are celebrations of the soul’s ascension from the body to their new life. The process of funerals is that when the deceased has passed, the body must be presentable for the celebration meaning it should be completely cold and dressed in what the deceased usually would wear during every day. The mourners at the celebration wear white rather than black to symbolise their seriousness. All three of the deceased processes, embalming, cremation and organ donation are accepted in the Buddhist faith. If cremated the bereaved will collect the ashes and enshrined them or scatter them over land or sea. Religious memorial services are traditionally held on the third, seventh, forty-ninth, and one-hundredth day after