
Comparing Thomas Jefferson's Letter To The Danbury Baptists In 1802

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Comparison Paper
Austin T. Marlin
Liberty University
GOVT 200-B12

The United States of America is known for its very intellectual documents that were written by the founding fathers of this great country. We see the founders of this country as great Scholars and Philosophers for the way they worded these founding documents, but also, they were great Theologians for their sense of relating the rights given to them by God into these documents. When comparing the United States Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and Thomas Jefferson’s Letter to the Danbury Baptists in 1802 we can find many similarities, but we can also find many dissimilarities. But why was it important for one of these documents to come first before all …show more content…

Composed on July 4th, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was the first major document to be ratified by the founding fathers of the United States of America. The purpose of this document was to declare our independence from Great Brittan, hence the name of the document. Though Declaration of Independence doesn’t go into detail like the Constitution, it is in my opinion, the rough draft for the Constitution and was important to the creation of this nation. When we look at the purpose of the Constitution of the United States, it was drafted so we could have a structure of government to our new formed country. When comparing their similarities, both were declaring that the people of this nation were forming a new government to have liberty that is guaranteed to them by almighty God. Though the documents don’t mention religion until the Bill of Rights were established, when it comes to the separation of church and state, I believe that the signers had in mind that there shall be no national church, such as the Church of England. They saw a national church as infringement on the people but still wanted to keep God in the government. The country was found upon Christian principles and I believe they wanted to keep that in our government. When we compare their dissimilarities, you must look at the contents of the documents. The Declarations goes into detail of why they were separating from the Great Brittan and the Constitution goes into detail of the structure of the government, like judiciary, legislative, and executive

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