Comparing Two Fuel Sources

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In this lab we investigated the energy content of two fuels by using them to heat water. We are to use two different types of fuel to measure the amount of heat produces by each fuel source. Our two fuel sources include propanol and ethanol. The objective of the experiment is to find out which fuel source has the better rate of heating and is more efficient by comparing the results to see which heat up the water to a specific temperature and seeing which fuel source used the least amount of fuel. After the experiment our data showed that the propanol was the more efficient fuel source. We concluded that propanol was the better of the two fuel sources and it burned less fuel and the amount of heat absorbed by the water was more for propanol than ethanol.
Fuel is the most efficient way of producing heat. This is caused by the combustion reaction between the fuel and oxygen. The amount of heat given of depends on what kind fuel is being burned and how much of it is being burned. In our case we are using propanol and ethanol and measuring which is the most efficient fuel source. We used the two fuels and heated up water to measure which one was better. To find which did better in our experiment we have to see how much of the fuel is used up to increase the temperature of our water to a specific degree. …show more content…

This includes empty soda can without a top, thermometer, ring stand with iron ring attached, glass rod, 100 ml graduated cylinder, matches, and last but not least two different types of fuel source (propanol, ethanol).
Upon completion of the experiment, we got a few notable results. We noticed that the amount of heat absorbed by water is mostly constant between the two but the noticeable difference obtained was with the heat per gram of fuel and heat of