Comparing W. E. B. Dubois And Helen Boardman's Man

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Reading these two articles they were actually quite interesting in explaining how teaching was set forth back in later era’s and how directly they thought about people of color. Well, when reading W.E.B. DuBois article it was making it seem as if black people weren’t directly taught anything, and I say this because of what was in the passage and Helen Boardman’s man three points of teaching. This article is describing how teaching was a priority for people but when it came to teaching about African Americans and all the aspects they fought for would never be touched on and some things people would probably never know. Teaching in this era seemed like how it was for me when I was in high school and how we touched basis on the general aspects of African American history but not all the key things that actually played part in it. It is easily …show more content…

DuBois mentions “ Going to use history for our pleasure and amusement, for inflating our national ego, and giving us a false but pleasurable sense of accomplishment, then we must give up the idea of history either as a science or as an art” (DuBois 714). This quote stood out because it just goes to show how arrogant people actually are to teaching and how this actually resulted in a problem for DuBois because the knowledge he wanted to spread to people was limited. Nevertheless teaching now and teaching for this generation is still the same from my perspective because though certain topics aren’t touched on or are not even recognized that’s how it was in the times of Reconstruction as well. Moving forward to “ The Miseducation of the Negro Excerpts” by Carter G Woodson this article isn’t more so saying that they didn’t want to teach black education to students but more so that students of the same decent didn’t want to hear about their ancestry. Just as when it reads “It is true that many Negroes do not desire to hear anything about their race, and few whites of today will listen to the story of Woe” ( Woodson