Comparing Wordsworth And Muir's Poems

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Two talented literary authors write beautiful stories depicting nature. William Wordsworth’s “I wonder lonely as a cloud” and John Muir’s “The Calypso Borealis” give great insight to how the beauty of nature impacts their lives. Both Wordsworth and Muir’s stories describe how nature can impact their behavior and mood, both authors tell their readers how just by witnessing and reminiscing of nature brought warmth and joy to their thoughts that were once cloudy with depression and loneliness. William Wordsworth and John Muir’s stories include both syntax and vocabulary to express their feelings towards nature, as well as diction and tone to capture their reader’s attention and connection to keep them reading until the end. Even though the ways Wordsworth and Muir express nature in different ways, they both have the ability to use their words to impact their audience. …show more content…

An example of his change of mood would be when he says, “A poet could not be but gay, in such a jocund company” (stanza 3). This passage of Wordsworth’s poem shows how his mood can change when in the presence of something he enjoys. Wordsworth’s poem also shows how just reflecting on nature can change his mood for the better. This is shown by the quote, “They flash upon the inward eye, and my heart with pleasure fills” (stanza 4). This quote shows how he doesn’t have to be near nature for him to be happy if he can just think of his past experiences where he was surrounded by nature his joy is