Comparison And Contrast The Policies Of Constantine And Diocletian

488 Words2 Pages

Lauren Chandler
Mrs. Clark
World History
December 13, 2015
Essay 144
Comparing and Contrasting the Policies of Constantine and Diocletian Diocletian ruled the Roman Empire from 248 to 305. He believed that the Roman Empire was too large for a single ruler so he divided the empire into four units know as the prefectures. The entire Roman Empire was divided into two parts the Eastern Roman Empire and the Western Roman Empire. Each side was divided into two prefectures that were ruled by two leaders. This new system was called tetrarchy. Dividing the empire into four sections left Diocletian's military power to hold ultimate authority. During his rule as emperor he persecuted Christians because he wanted the people to follow and perform traditional Roman religious practices. When Christians did not obey this edict that the emperors had passed, they persecuted them. …show more content…

His biggest project was the construction of the new capital city in the east called Constantinople. The city was built for defensive reasons. Its location provided protection from invaders and the city became the center of the Eastern Roman Empire. Constantine made his city wealthier by having a forum, large palaces, and a huge amphitheater. His support for Christianity began in 312 when his army went to fight in a crucial battle. He had a vision from God saying he would win the battle. Having won the battle he was convinced by the power of God. In 313, Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, which proclaimed official tolerance of Christianity and ended the persecution of Christians. Later after his rule the Romans then adopted Christianity as the official religion of the Roman

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