Comparison Between Yousef And Ali

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Yousef and Ali Ali is studying at CIEP, and so does Yousef. Ali lives in Cedar Falls and Yousef does too. Ali is homesick, but Yousef does not. Yousef is going to study during summer vacation, but Ali does not. Ali lives with his cosine, but Yousef does not. Yousef will go to CIEP party, and so does Ali. Yousef is not ready for the party, and neither does Ali. Ali is going to go to his home country, but Yousef does not. Ali is old student, but Yousef does not. Yousef loves reading class, and so does Ali. Ali hates listening and speaking class, and Yousef does too. Yousef is living with two roommates, but Ali does not. Ali is not a good student, and Ali does not either. My Best Friend He read the book which talk about global warming. He is