Comparison Of Death's Relationship With Emily Dickinson

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Death’s relationship with Emily Dickinson One of the greatest American poets is Emily Dickinson. She is known as the most influential poet or writer who has ever lived. The extraordinary thing about her poems is that the majority of them were not published during her life time. In fact, most of her poems were discovered after her death. Emily Dickinson was not known in her lifetime some say she isolated and shut in herself from the society, which can make sense since to me. I think that makes sense because when someone is always alone and do not talk to people for a certain amount of time that person can develop a strange personality. Obviously that was shown clearly to me in her poems and her style. However, it is difficult for me to judge her and say who she was as a person because the poems are complicated and can be analyzed in many different ideas, which is brilliant but also obscure for many people to understand. …show more content…

“This World is not conclusion.” [501] (p.1204) this poem talk about the afterlife and Dickinson idea of. She says “Invisible, as Music / But positive, as Sound”. She resembles death like positive music which I think it is a nice way to think of. Dickinson shows that she is confidant in death and after the end she is not afraid. She represented the afterlife like music even if we cannot see it that does not mean it does not there. Regardless, Emily Dickinson is known for her weird punctuation and capitalization. Capitalization is used to symbolize the importance, but I noticed that word soul in the last stanza is not capitalized. Although she capitalized music, faith, and Vain, she did not capitalize soul. I think that is obscure because the soul more important than music or faith, but maybe she did not think that. It is questionable why did she capitalized these words in particular. All I can do is wonder and ask myself if it was on purpose or