Comparison Of Islam, Judaism, And Christianity

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Throughout our class, we have learned quite a lot about Islam, Judaism and Christianity. Of course I looked forward to learning about Christianity the most because that is my religion. However, I learned enough about Islam and Judaism to understand their religion a little more. Yes, there are a lot of differences in the beliefs of these three religions. Islam is the religion of belief to God and his prophet Mohammed, who lived around 570-632 and came from a family out of Mecca. Islam religion's book of revelation, which began by their prophet, is the Quran. Islam is based upon five "pillars" that represent the bedrock upon which all else is based. Their five pillars are Shahadah (testify), Salat (prayer), Zakat (charity), Sawn (fasting) and Hajj (pilgrimage). Muslims believe that there can only be Allah. He is the source of all creation of all lives and events. They believe there is one God and Mohammed is his messenger. On judgment day, they believe all will rise from the dead and be sent to heaven or hell. …show more content…

The word “Jewish” can be used to describe their race and a culture rather than a religion. So someone who identify themselves as Jewish may have little interest in the beliefs and practices associated with the religion of Judaism. Judaism is the oldest monotheism religion. They believe in the Torah and that it is unchanged. This is how God communicates with them. The Torah is the Law-5, Neviim is the prophets and Kethuvium is the writings-II. They believe you shall have no other God’s before your God. They also believe in the