
Comparison Of Nazi Germany And The Soviet Union

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• Introduction
In the early 20th century the two countries with the biggest population in Europe were under control of dictatorships. One was Nazi Germany which was under the ruler Adolf Hitler since 1933 and the other country was the Soviet Union was under the control of Joseph Stalin since the death of Vladimir Lenin in 1924. The two countries are both ruled by ideas from two sides of the political spectrum. First Nazism is found on the far-right of the political spectrum. The ideology of Nazism is that Germany need to be strong and have all German-speaking people under one country. They also believed that German (Aryan race) were the best of the entire human race and that they were superior to the less developed race e.g. the Jewish population, …show more content…

He knew to have complete control he needed to make the German people so scared of the Nazi’s that they would do anything Hitler asked. Hitler got his wish when he signed a permanent State of Emergency which ended democracy and gave dictatorial powers. It also gave more powers for the state and the police to intrude on peoples private lives. This decree was known as the ‘Reichstag Fire Decree’ it was created as a result of the Reichstag fire on February 27th 1933. The decree allowed the German Secret Police the Gestapo to arrest people without reason and keeping them in prison for as long as …show more content…

• The SS

The Schutzstaffel (SS) started off as personal bodyguards for Adolf Hitler. In 1929 Hitler appointed Heinrich Himmler as the commander of the SS. Himmler turned the SS into the largest organisation in Nazi Germany.
The SS helped Hitler to keep his power by the use of terror. This was clearly seen straight after the elections of 1933, in which the SS and the Gestapo knock on people’s doors looking for enemies of Hitler’s which included the Communist, Homosexuals and Jewish people and leaders of the Trade Union. All of them were arrested and most of them were killed by mid-1933, a few months after the election, nearly all the organisation that were against Hitler didn’t exist anymore and the Nazi Party was the only political party in Germany.
Himmler in 1934 ordered Theodor Eicke, who was devout anti-Semitic and anti- Bolshevik to be in charge of the first Concentration camp in Dachau.
Staffs who were working at the concentration camps were giving the name SS-TK. They were known for their harsh treatment of prisoners especially to people who didn’t have the same ideals as the Nazi or

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