
Comparison Of Puberty And The Midlife Crisis

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First comes puberty and then the dreaded midlife crisis. Both are a normal part of life but that does not make them any easier to deal with. Puberty hits in the pre-teen stage and for some people it may hit when they are already teenagers. Midlife crisis usually happens in the thirties if things are “just not going quite right. While the former is inevitable and sometimes the latter can be avoided they are both common situations. Understanding them both may make it easier to get through them.
Puberty is a difficult time for all teenagers as preteen stage well as their parents. There are changes going on throughout the body that most do not understand. They can be awkward and embarrassing at times. They can also make a person feel uncomfortable and feel the need to hide. Anne is currently going through this stage; she is 13 and is beginning to notice physical changes to her body. This is a perfectly normal stage the human body goes through as it becomes more mature and a child transitions into an adult. So what is puberty? Puberty as described by Licht,D. (2014) “The period …show more content…

They go through the awkward stage of puberty, experiencing their changing body and the conflict with their parents. Dealing with pressure from their peers to “be cool” and do things that may or may not be negative. After they reach their middle age they may end up having a mid-life crisis where they could feel bored with life, or end up having an affair. Fortunately, these stages do not last forever, and there are coping methods to each. As a teenager it is important to find oneself and find friends that feel the same. As a middle age person it is good to question yourself, and give yourself a chance to wonder, and get out and exercise to keep the body young and the mind sharp. After completing these stages of their lives, Jake and Annie will feel great and be onto the next step in their

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