
Comparison Of South Park And American Dad

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We have all met someone who jokes about everything but hidden behind their jokes is the truth. These people are humorists. A humorist is a person, artist, performer, or writer who uses humor to get their thoughts and points across. By using humor to convey their thoughts humorists convey messages that normal people believe but would never think of saying out loud. If you were to go home and turn on your television, there would be many stations are full of cartons that use humor to attack, criticize, and critique people and companies. A few of these shows South Park and American Dad. American Dad is a cartoon about a father who is a CIA agent, since he is part of the CIA he takes things way too far and doesn’t mind his own business. Stan, The father, doesn’t have a regard of how things may harm others. This is supposed to be a reflection of what the CIA does in our real lives. Many people believe the CIA gets too deep into our personal lives, but …show more content…

While Stan in American Dad does represent any specific person, in South Park characters are created based off of political figures, actors, singers, athletes, and other famous people and featured on the show to convey the thoughts of the writers. In an episode of South Park a cartoon of Barack Obama, our president, was featured. Many of the other characters on the show made many racist comments towards the Obama. In the past decades, as a whole, the mind set of our country has shifted away from racism and now the majority of people believe in equality. That is only the majority of people. In the United States there are still few people who are racist so these people may think racist thoughts towards the president of our country. These people may think and say these thought to their close friends and family but none of them would ever think of bluntly stating them on national television because they

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