Comparison Of The Pennsylvania Immigration And Citizenship Coalition And Jevs Human Services

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A Compare and Contrast of the Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition and Jevs Human Services This human development analysis will compare and contrast the Pennsylvania Immigration and Citizenship Coalition (PICC) ad Jev Human Services (JHS). These two organizations provide a similar focus on preparing and assisting various members of society to engage in employment opportunities and adapt to social conditions through the perspectives of immigrant communities within the U.S. the focus on legal rights, language training, employment opportunities, and other aspects of transitional assistance into American society are provided by both organizations. For instance, English language acquisition skills are an important part of the training …show more content…

These particular services go beyond the broader spectrum of legal and activist support that PICC offers to its clients as a means of providing greater support for immigrant communities attempting to fit into American way of life: “Founded in 1941 by 25 Jewish concerned citizens, Jewish Employment and Vocational Service was established to help Jewish refugees adjust to life in Philadelphia” (, 2015, para.3). The greater focus on job placement and training provides JHS with a more practical focus on the barriers to immigrant that they face in the current economic crisis. JHS provides employment connections and opportunities, which the PICC does not necessarily provided in the vocational focus of its help within the immigrant …show more content…

Certainly, the PICC provides practical resources for immigrants in the Pennsylvania area,. Which correlates with the JHS policy of providing vocational training and job opportunities to help Jewish immigrants with gainful employment. These are important similarities, which does who that the PICC is not focusing entirely on legislative and activist reforms as part of the services offered to the immigrant community. These are the comparable and contrasting aspects of daily immigrant services that provide jobs, healthcare, and driver license assistance for Jewish and non-Jewish immigrants within these two differing organizations. The PICC and the JHS help to improve the lives of immigrant populations coming into the American economy by providing resources to help these vulnerable populations find stability in new environment. PICC and JHS are examples of ideological and vocational aspects of coalitions and private organizations that provide these services to immigrants struggling to adapt to the American way of

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