Comparing Title 5 And Title 22 Regulations

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Three separate differences in Title 5 and Title 22 regulations are child assessment, program content, and parental involvement. These three differences are additional to ages, ratios and staffing qualifications, and funding sources. An explanation of these additional differences were included in the Analysis of Title 22 and Title 5 Regulations.
Child assessments in a Title 22 center are not required, however there are those programs that may execute assessments periodically as an extension of their program services, these assessments are done along with sanctioned assessments mandated to assess the needs of children with disabilities through the Americans with Disabilities Act. While Title 22 centers are not required to perform assessments, Title 5 centers are obligated. These obligated assessments are conduct through developmental profiles, using The Desired Results Developmental Profile age appropriate assessment, of all children whom are enrolled for 10 or more hours a week. In a Title 5 center these assessments should be completed within the first 60 days of enrollment and additionally every six months. Since the Title 5 regulations are explicit to following the DRDP and ADA requires needs of children with disabilities bet met the DRDP is required to include accommodations and …show more content…

While a Title 22 program does not have specific educational components a Title 5 does. Title 5 contains within its programs regulation to be developmentally, linguistically, and culturally appropriate, at the same time be inclusive of children with special needs. There are additional standards of growth that the Title 5 supports through the DRDP domains are; social/emotional, physical, language/literacy, and cognitive development. In the Title 5 center program children and families whom are identified with needs for health and social services they are provided these services. Unfortunately, Title 22 requires none of these

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