
Comparison Of Tuesdays With Morrie By Mitch Albom

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The Simpsons episode is similar to the novel “Tuesdays with Morrie” by Mitch Albom. The novel is about an old man named Morrie who is suffering from a deadly disease. Every Tuesday, a young man visits Morrie to talk about life in general and how to be successful. In the Simpsons episode it is shown that the whole family does to the park, but Grandpa does not want to go so he sits on the shark bench. Grandpa keeps telling stories while he waits for everyone to come back from the park. A young college newspaper columnist named Marshall Goldman approaches grandpa and takes a seat next to him. The columnist sees this as an opportunity to write about something new for the Newspaper. The similarity is Morrie and the Grandpa. The reason we can assure
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