The Importance Of Compassion

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Compassion is the emotion that one feels in response to the suffering of others that motivates a desire to help (Sherlyn Jimenez, ), whereas the term ‘Benevolent’ has come from Latin, where “bene” means ‘well’ and “volent”, a verb which means ‘to wish’, the word itself brings goodness with it. Therefore, benevolence must incorporate compassion. Compassion has not only deep religious connotations, but it also refers to showing concern for the suffering or welfare of others, and shows mercy to others. The feeling of compassion is evident when leaders make an effort to understand the needs of their employees and take steps to address those needs and concerns in organisation (Cooper Brian, Santora, Sarros, J, 2007).The person practicing benevolence are large hearted and kind enough to help others. Until and unless we consider things from other’s point of view, we will never be able to understand a person’s opinion and his/her perceptions (Cooper, K, Brian.Santora, C, Joseph and Sarros, C.James, 2007). …show more content…

This identification with others through compassion can lead to increased motivation to do something in an effort to relieve the suffering of others. Compassion is relational and so it is fundamental. The act with compassion is within the intersection of our own awareness of self, our awareness of other and our personal understanding of what it means to promote well being. All of this is composed of relationships and is named the Compassion Space ( Hoisington, W. David,