
Comprehending The Mind In William Shakespeare's Hamlet

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Comprehending the mind of an individual is a complex matter as it involves a greater depth; involving the unconscious, personality, relationships, and the conscious. Comprehending the mindset is significant as it helps understand an individual's actions and perception. In the play Hamlet written by William Shakespeare, the use of the psychoanalytic criticism allows exploration of the characters and writer into a greater understanding the plot, themes, and characterization. The psyche development of the characters depict how the mind works as it affects actions and perception, through analyzing personality formation, family dynamics, and the state of mind.
To begin with, an individual's id is a part of their personality that controls desires …show more content…

The motives and intentions of a person change as their mind analyzes situations according to wants and threats, taking action accordingly. Their character changes as their capabilities depend on their id as the "id cannot tell the difference between what exists in reality and what is in the mind" (Doorey, Marie). The mind does not take reality circumstances into consideration when the id takes control, leading lead to selfish intentions as a result. Material repressed by the individual can show through their id as the id seeks personal satisfaction. A dominant id leads to egocentrism which impacts social behaviour which can destroy relationships. Overall, the id is one of the three components that compose character and lead to changes in personality type. Likewise, in Hamlet the plot forms through Claudius' desire for power taking control, showing a change in character. Claudius shows a drastic change in will as his capabilities extend to murder in order to achieve royalty. Claudius admits his true intentions as he states, "Of those effects for which I did the murder-/The crown, mine own ambition, and my queen" (3.3.101-2). Claudius' aspirations regarding royalty reveal the reasoning behind his actions. His id dominates his mind at the time and changes his perception.

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