Conclusion On Work Life Balance

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Work life balance is the process of minimizing the role conflict of a person by maintaining his perceptions about work and his personal time and family welfare (Clark S. C. 2000) [2].Work life balance can be defined as the perception of an employee to maintain and integrate multiple domains of personal, time, family care and work with minimum role conflict [2]. Work life balance can be different to different people depending upon the different stages of life. It basically includes the problems of exhaustion and lack of time. Research shows that failure to achieve a satisfactory balance of effort is directly connected to lack of energy to fulfill personal commitments and lack of control over the workload. The imbalance here leads to consequences such as fatigue, poor quality of life and most importantly poor performance. Work life balance is the relationship between personal commitments and work and its impact on one another. The present study examines the innovative and current work-life balance policies and practices implemented and practiced by various Indian Companies. With the change in the workforce and the increase in the number of working women, dual earner and nuclear families the need for the employees to balance their work and personal life has also increased. Moreover, women still take the major responsibility of childcare and domestic chores, long hours work culture and lack of flexible work provision creates a disadvantageous situation for women than men. Women

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