Work Family Conflict

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Work-Family Conflict
Greenhaus and Beutell (as cited by A. Ahmad, 2008) defines work family conflict as a construct with bi – directional which are work-to-family (WFC) and family-to-work (FWC), consists of multiple types time-based, strain-based, and behaviour-based and specific to multiple life roles for example spouse, parental, elder care, home care, and leisure. Work-family conflicts are divided to three types which are time-based, strain-based, and behaviour-based. According to A. Ahmad (2008) Time-based is conflict that arises when the time devoted to one role makes it difficult for the individual to participate in the other role. Strain-based define as conflict occurs when the stress from one role is carried or transferred to the other …show more content…

Burai is her as a career woman with multiple roles. Mrs. Burai is a mother to four children, a wife and employee. Mrs burai will face a time-based conflict to juggle her time to take care her children and work. The strain-based conflict face by Mrs. Burai is she will feel stress because of her role as a mother an employee. According to Nordenmark (as cited by A. Ahmad, 2008) support the expansion model which pin-point that alternative resources by the multiple roles will outweigh the possible stressful effects of the multiple role engagements.

Work Family Enrichment
Carlson, Kacmar, Wayne, and Grzywacz (2006) described the concept of work-to-family enrichment (WFE) as how family roles benefit from work roles through affect, development and capital derived from involvement in work. Similarly, the opposite of work-family enrichment (WFE) is family-to-work enrichment (FWE) defined as how work roles benefit from family roles through affect, development and efficiency derived from involvement in family as bi-directional and multi-dimensional.

The impact of family-work enrichment to Mrs. Burai is all of her children now are leading successful and independent life. Hence, Mrs Burai is satisfied with her life because she able to see all of her children is leading successful life. This will lead her to positive affect and she will become a much better …show more content…

As for women who work, which mean increased the workforce participation showed lower levels of depression and women who had decided to stop working shows an increase in symptoms of depression (Wethington and Kessler as cited in Barnett and Hyde, 2001). From the study, it is clear that men who involve more in family role and women who work are not harmful. It is beneficial as reflected in mental health, physical health and even relationship health. Just like our respondent, both of her partner and her are working. Although they had to raise four children, they still manage to do it excellently. This is because, dual income family can support the need of their family better. Thus lead to a very satisfied family