Positive Psychology Syllabus Paper

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Northcentral University Temeka Austin
Positive Psychology, PSY6104-8 (718) 814-8213
M-W 10am-11am April 27, 2015
Welcome and Introduction
“Welcome to Positive Psychology. I’m your instructor Temeka Austin. We’ll be together for the next 5 weeks. In this course, we’ll come together to understand the purpose of positive psychology. Individuals will get a better understanding of positive psychology, focusing on how happiness is measured. Individuals will also learn how happiness relates to well-being and positive emotions.”
Course Theme
The primary focus of positive psychology suggests that if an individual …show more content…

The success of each individual will be achieved with through their honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. When conducting a research, it is best practices for you to give the individual you are getting the information from credit. Turning in another person’s work can result in the individual getting it is important to do your own work. If anyone submits a paper with information from another person without citing the source it is consider plagiarism. The person with the paper will receive a disappointing grade for the work they submit. Any student taking part in this lecture you should have the self-confidence in providing your original work.
Activity Resources:
Morganson, V. J., Litano, M. L., & O’Neill, S. K. (2014). Promoting work–family balance through positive psychology: A practical review of the literature. The Psychologist- Manager Journal, 17(4), 221-244.
Waterman, A. S. (2014). Further reflections on the humanistic psychology–positive psychology divide. American Psychologist, 69(1), …show more content…

They are professionals who say the well-being suggest people can attain eudemonia by satisfying their potential. Today, professionals aim to understand happiness and well-being. Psychologists who are studying eudemonic versus hedonic forms of happiness have been looking at various areas of happiness that has been seeing their individual issues with physical and psychological health. Individuals who are reliably measuring happiness are concerned with the state of mind of each individual. The measurement is done through the psychological aspect of an individual while inspecting the mind. The individual typical seeks life satisfaction, pleasure, or a positive emotional condition. Another type of measurement is notice when the life of people change and they begin to do well for themselves. The happy individual is concerned with the changes in life that is beneficial to them. The individual focuses on their well-being and how fortunate they are to have made changes in their