Happiness Project Essay

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10 Reasons Why You Should Pay Attention to Your Happiness Project
What is a happiness project? We can call the happiness project an approach to bring a significant change to your life. It starts with the preparation stage where you identify with the things which bring satisfaction and joy, and also those which cause you resentment and anger.
Keeping in mind these things, you make resolutions and comply with them to benefit from your happiness project. Some people deviate from this approach but if you have the following traits in your personality, you have strong enough reasons to stick to the project.
1. Strong Mental Health
A person who is mentally strong will never waste time on non-productive thoughts and would never let their feelings control …show more content…

People who have the habit of counting their blessings instead of their burdens are able to keep a strong perspective on life. Their enhanced self-esteem makes them grateful and their ability to appreciate other people’s accomplishments keeps them motivated to feel happy despite all odds. A grateful person can easily overcome trauma helping them to bounce back from stressful situations and not deviate from their happiness project.
8. Frequent …show more content…

People who volunteer also have a higher self-esteem resulting in their overall well-being. Studies have also revealed that when people donate or work for charity, the portion of the brain that is responsible for the feelings of reward is triggered. All you need to work on is your consistency because the more regular you are, the more connected you will stay with your happiness project.
9. Strong Relationships
If you have even a single relationship which is strong enough to give a boost to your efforts regarding the happiness project, you are luckier than you think. A strong relationship is a lasting source of inspiration and will help you in achieving all those difficult milestones which may otherwise seem impossible to overcome. A study by Harvard Health revealed that strong relationships reduce the risk of early death by 50 percent – an effect which can be compared to the impact of smoking and obesity on health.